Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Spoiler for the Web Quest on Da Vinci

Now, My spoiler is below, dont look if u want to solve it for yourself.

These are the answers to solve the original Da Vinci Quest .
1. leonardo
2. the last supper
3. denon
4. go to
5. click 'contact'
6. send an e-mail to the address given (auto-response)
7. go to as instructed by the email
8. search for 'LSPDV'
9. click the advert to the Zurich bank website
10. enter name 'marie denarnaud'
11. enter account number '1123581321'
12. call 1212-782-9920 for website address
13. go to
14. click 'enter our site' button
15. click 'employee message board' link
16. enter name 'jonas faukman'
17. enter password 'venice'
18. click 'Jonas, I've got the key!' message link
19. click the '' link
20. enter password 'ankh'
21. enter 'the truth will be told in 2003'
22. call 1212-782-9932 for a message from Dan Brown, the author of 'Da Vinci Code'

Ok and here are the answers for the second quest:
1. the mona lisa
2. paris
3. the priory of sion
4. kryptos
5. ww
6. is there no help for the widows son
7. masons
8. e pluribus unum
9. click on the left eye of the face of mona lisa (her right, your left).

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