Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Sergey Brin n Larry Page in Hyderabad

Google search fails to throw up monkeys


HYDERABAD: Sergey Brin and Larry Page's search engine trawls 4.2 billion web pages to find just about anything in cyberspace. But the founders of Google—on a short trip to India—were not quite so diligent with their home work before coming to Hyderabad. "I was wanting to see some monkeys here but couldn't find one. I think I missed one on the road," said Brin.

Page and Brin are in the country to prepare a strategy for their India operations, but their activities have not been limited to business. Unlike the seriously earnest William Gates Jr., the two nerds behind the world's most effective search engine have been more like a couple of sophomore backpackers doing India.

In Delhi, they met Abdul Kalam. He was "extremely knowledgeable about Google. In fact, he knew more than us," says Brin.

Then they did some shopping, you know, the Connaught Circus kind, this and that. Brin bought, er, "some instrument" which, um, changes colours, like, you know. Unfortunately, he cannot remember what it's called but can certify that it's "too good."

Here in Hyderabad, they did autorickshaws. That was too good too. "They go on any road!" says Brin, expecting to surprise us.

Sophomore backpackers? So why aren't they at school? Why indeed? The youngest billionaires are trying to make Google a true global entity while on leave from their PhD programmes at Standford. "Yeah, we should be completing our PhDs," says Page.

Brin is worried about Mom's questions. "My mom keeps asking about it. I think I should complete it

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